light vessel automatic

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version 2.0

May 31, 2004


This is lightvesselautomatic 2.0. New, improved, with sharper teeth and a glossier snout. Please do not be alarmed.

Here are some facts:

  • lightvesselautomatic now has nice, friendly URLs – because you are not a computer. So, /diary.html is now /diary/. So: please update any bookmarks or links you might have. I promise to keep the new URLs intact for as long as lightvesselautomatic is active. I don’t, however, promise that the old version’s URLs will still work. That is bad of me, and I am sorry. From here on, though, everything is future-proof.
  • I have tried to make sure it looks ok in as many browsers as possible. However, it will look nicer in various ways in a good browser like Opera or Mozilla Firefox than in Microsoft Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer’s support for modern web standards is extremely poor, and increasingly, other websites will look better in other browsers, too. Opera and Mozilla are also both faster than Internet Explorer, nicer to use, and downloadable for free if you follow the above links. Fight the power. And if it looks wonky in your browser, please let me know
  • There is now an ‘rss 2.0 feed’ – up there at the top of the page – for those of you who know or care about these things. God knows I don’t: I just made it because I can, because I know how, and that makes me feel powerful. What ‘rss’ means is that, if you have the right software, you can subscribe to this site, and when I put something new up – so long as I also remember to update the feed – then you will be notified, because your software will check the site regularly and automatically so you don’t have to. The latest version of Opera, for example, can do this.

and now: I’m going away for a week or so, to Kobe, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka. Kobe is for work, the rest is for fun. that’s no excuse not to email me, though…

posted in Okinawano comments

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